With 90% of students in grades 4-8 reporting to have been harassed or bullied, FUSE is our response to the challenge to help younger students to relate with each other in positive ways. Taking the time to listen to one another and developing authentic relationships may seem like a lost art in these times of social media and text messaging, but FUSE allows students an opportunity to develop their interpersonal skills.


FUSE pursues two key outcomes: (1) providing a whole grade of students a variety of experiences where new friendships can be ignited; and (2) guiding students through a process of discovery where individuals choose to reconcile and mend broken relationships.


The FUSE experience is a three hour drag race filled with high energy games, engaging talks, discovery activities and authentic group dialogue. Taking the time to listen to one another and developing authentic relationships may seem like a lost art in these times of social media and text messaging, but FUSE allows students an opportunity to develop their interpersonal skills.


Topics focus on learning more about one another with exercises such as “If you were my best friend you’d know…”, celebrating uniqueness with “Everybody is weird”, and calling out past hurts such as exclusion, stereotyping, and bullying. "One of the most powerful moments of the afternoon was when students had the chance to apologize to one another,” said Union Principal Ben Brown.






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